Tuesday, March 22, 2016


Whiteland Indiana
I am a MOPAR guy and been looking for a truck and had one with me with an open title for partial trade, very cool big block truck found online in the hotel , a/c p/s auto and I am serious about checking it out!
I see a bunch of body work,but still interested. $16900 and the salesman informs me that is the price period and the owner says there's the door. Then tells me he was offered $15000 I think and the owner said $15500 or something and told the guy to take a walk! Even more so since we are in the back and by the door can we take it outside so I can take a good look and take it for a ride? NOPE he will only take it outside if I give him a deposit! So I said so you just told me to take a walk huh? He said even if we take it outside I can't drive it because their insurance does not cover driving the vehicles on the street. The winner of the jackarse of the year goes to? You fill in the blanks on this one! The salesman runs out to me as I am driving away and tells me the owner will take I think $14000 now, WTF? I would not even use his bathroom, never mind buy a vehicle from them, what an awful dealer!   

He had some cool cars, like this Olds powered Front wheel drive truck with the slightest chop top

This S10 little beauty had a 511 HP 420 CI Lingenfelter under the hood with a 6 speed 
cost $70000 could be yours for $19900 today?

I have never been in such an unfriendly dealer!

Just a bit down the road is Ray Skillman Motors in Greenwood Indiana everything NEW  FORD, DODGE and you name it.
Next to the body shop is a quiet little building with this unreal collection and yes you are welcomed to come in and check it all out!  
Not much to add here because the collection speaks for itself and I do thank Mr. Skillman for sharing with us!

What a cool Kurtis!!

So would a buy a car from Skillman, HELL YEAH!
A MINI club stopped in that day, they were everywhere!

Been trying to get here for years 
Just to be clear the city of Richmond Indiana has no significance to Model T's except it was chosen to house the museum!!  

You can have a car any color as long as it's black said Henry Ford and I just learned the first year of production you could not get Black!!! This actually now is the 2nd oldest Model T known to exist!! 

It appears Black did not become the factory color until 5 years into production!
Debunking a common myth= 1st cars 
Red only on Touring cars like the one above
Gray only on Town Cars
Paint was not durable and it seemed black was the most durable and became the standard and only color for several years!

Body Colors

YearFord ColorModern ColorMfgr.NumberFormula
1909-14RedCarmine DuPont7410AHn/a
1909-14GreenBrewster Green MediumDitzler1017DAL: 46=10 55=30 27=100 49=256 10=464 2=1074
1909-14GrayGray DuPont72092An/a
1909-14BlueMidnight BlueDuPont81501An/a
1915-27BlackBlack ---
1926Channel GreenGreenDitzler546DAL: 27=68 4=148 17=534 2=744 46=1102
1926Windsor MaroonMaroon???
1927Commercial GreenRock Moss GreenDitzler117DAL: 46=70 27=104 10=200 49=460 2=724 17=1072
1927Channel GreenGreenDitzler546DAL: 27=68 4=148 17=534 2=744 46=1102
1927Drake GreenVagabond GreenDitzler122DAL: 49=382 4=484 46=586 17=1094
1927Highland GreenDark GreenDuPont4190An/a
1927Phoenix BrownRosewood BeigeDitzlerDDL-20064n/a
1927Gunmetal BlueGunmetal Blue Ditzler436DAL: 43=10 6=150 46=338 42=674 2=1056
1927MoleskinMoleskin BrownDitzler544DAL: 27=82 6=278 46=428 2=1068
1927Royal MaroonFord Maroon Ditzler1011DAL: 27=144 2=626 48=1060
1927Fawn GreyDawn GrayDitzler434DAL: 42=46 25=142 6=352 46=1102


This car changed the world and I am not going to get into the history, but it took about 1 1/2  to build a complete car, in fact you can visit the Henry Ford In Dearborn and watch them assemble one right in front of you and drive it out! 

Body styles were many

This was cobbled together by a Mailman who said I can't deliver the mail with a stock car in the snow!

You bet the mail got through!
A common mistake was saying a Ford farm tractor existed, the catalogs sold a tractor conversion and Henry Ford said I got to get in on this too! 
Ford and Sons tractors= Fordson 

If you wanted a sports car you got one of these!

Yup a Model T powered plane
Kind of a farm tractor now?

Ok who needs 4 wheel drive!

A little hot rodded Model T

I believe this was a salesman enclosure 
That painted up faux row of stores is the extension of the museum

I really Like Richmond, what better place for a BBQ and Blues joint than an old firehouse?


1 comment:

  1. Collection of nice automobile memorabilia. Nova was a nice touch as was the Hemi
