Thursday, September 30, 2021


 This is pretty funny because I finally got around to the Spring Redneck Rumble in Lebanon Tennesse just after I attended the fall one! 

You can go to 100 shows a year, but the Redneck Rumble WILL have the most unique vehciles to see for sure!  

The Wilson County fairgrounds has some great old buildings on the property!

This is the coolest yet, that is a David Bradley walk behind tiller pulling the "bus" with a couple extra as fenders!   

Still can't figure this out, sedan delivery with a window inserted, hearse? 

Still have no idea what it fit, neither did the guy? he said $300 if I knew what it was it would be $800 LOL!  

No snow, but I spotted a few sleds! 

Chopped, Channeled, Decked and?  

When did S10's become hot rods? 

That be a 4 cylinder Cummins diesel

Don't ya Luv these trucks? Get it Luv!! 

The front axle is leading the way for sure! 

The famous Gene Winfield Customizer in his 90's!

Someones granddad made a wrong turn? 

Still not sure what the engine is some kind of skid loader 3 cylinder, guy told me like this Yankee knew what he was talking about so I just noddded!   

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One of 2 old Greyhound buses here this time!

The Lincoln had a Cummins Diesel!

That guy took a lot of time taking photos of the right side while the giant supercharger was hanging off the left side? Hey buddy over here!!! 

Someone grafted a 48 Plymouth nose on a pickup!

Fastest picnic bench this side of the Pacos! 

Slow down my drink is spilling!! 

I came to see this guys Diamond T trucks! 

Ain't gonna fit huh, I'll show them all!