Sunday, June 30, 2019


Cars and Coffee are getting very popular and one the nicest ones is over in Lenoir City Tennessee held once a month and sponsored by the local Chrysler Jeep Dealer complete with free coffee and donuts! 
You meet great people at these little town cruise in's
 I am just going to let you enjoy the cars


Always a nice display of hit and miss engines with tractors

Great variety of vehicles!

Nice Dan Gurney replica


Hey I know this car! 72 Challenger Rallye 35,000 miles 

 This caught my attention, look carefully
 The vintage Charger body was fitted over a late model Chrysler 300, yes over! Even the A pillar is a marriage of the 2 cars!


 Neat little Studebaker Lark

I keep bumping into these Thunderbird retro's

Nice retro Z build

1st cruise in featuring a train!! It was loud!!

What he said!
  It is funny how many cars sort of stick local and don't attend cruise in's and shows 2-3 towns away
I am still confused why small car shows in parking lots or even business locations insist on having the owners of the cars pay? This has been going on for years. An entry fee anyplace else is usually to compete for a substantial award of some sort, no a cheap trophy is not worth as much as the entry fee especially when the sponsors pay for them. Entry fees are often for a charity, but sometimes local fund raisers for a church. The part that confuses is that even under the guise of a fund raiser the spectators are not asked for money.
At these shows I often see a list of sponsors, auto parts chains and local businesses. A car owner has spent time and money building the car and maintenance along with the expense of coming to the show. There would be no show without the cars so why are the car owners punished?
Don't get me wrong if the show is a large venue where the organizers need to rent or pay for the usage of the facility and it seems when that is true the show offers more to everyone, but spectators pay as well!
Many of these shows should be looked at as a community event and businesses that can write off expenses should absorb expenses. I have been at shows in restaurant parking lots and expected to pay, isn't the idea to draw people to the restaurant as patrons?
Free street fairs organized by the local city council and they expect a car show to be a part of it, but once again the car owners are the only people paying for any part of the fair. 
Hey $5 or even $10 is not a big deal, but $20,$25 and even $30 is not realistic. The lure of a pre-registration fee to save $5 that is non-refundable is even crazier! What do you think?
Often you can take your classic car and park in the spectator area for free and still have people enjoy it, oops don't tell anyone I suggested that!        

I know you are asking where is CARHUNTER going in the Kustom Karz feature, a special Bandit Trans Am, why is Loni Anderson there and what are they riding in?
 The happy day, for a little while!
 For the loving couples nuptials this Kustom built stage coach was built on a 1979 International 4WD Scout chassis! 
 Can't quite confirm who built it except Dolly Parton designed the interior   
 I guess it sat around for awhile and finally popped up about 2015 for sale you missed it didn't you?
 Classy huh?
 I liked Burt Reynolds, but what were they thinking!
The End  was a Burt Reynolds movie and it's over in many ways too!
Let us look at the 1953 Cadillac 62 Ghia Coupe this month
Italian styling for a car in the USA, not unusual!

I am not sure if anything was confirmed except only 2 were built and one supposedly for actress Rita Hayworth
Now you can see that they were not exact copies 

Ads as I see them!
               Old Desoto hemi has great comprehension clean rat rod hot